Sunday, February 12, 2012

Friendship, and/or Finding Balance

Allons! whoever you are come travel with me!
Traveling with me you find what never tires.

To gather the minds of men out of their brains as you encounter them,
to gather the love out of their hearts...

To know the universe itself as a road, as many roads, as roads for traveling souls.

Of the progress of the souls of men and women along the grand roads of the universe, all other progress is the needed emblem and sustenance.

Camerado, I give you my hand!
I give you my love more precious than money,
I give you myself before preaching or law;
Will you give me yourself? will you come travel with me?
Shall we stick together as long as we live?

. . .

I initiate this blog with few excerpts from Walt Whitman's Song of the Open Road. feels fitting. A great artist - his writing and poetry conveying a balance between transcendental and realist views of the world, the emotional and physical feelings of life; most importantly, though, always sporting a rockin beard and hat - still relevant and cool all these years later.